
Friday, January 3, 2014

keeping cozy...

So how is everyone's new year going so far? Three days into it already! Wow!

We spent New Year's Eve at my parents as we do every year. I was actually much more successful at staying up until the "apple fell." But that is most likely due to the fact that I took a 1 1/2 hour nap earlier in the day just for the sole purpose of (hopefully) being able to keep my eyes open until midnight. Last year I think I had to take a nap during the festivities. It also helped this year that I spent a while playing Bananagrams. Oh my word, do I love that game! Truth be told, I pretty much love any word game I've ever played, but this is definitely one of my favorites. This is the one we have. It's the double version which means more tiles and more players.

We got more snow through the night last night. Originally it was forecasted that we could get up to eight inches. I think we got about four or five. I was really excited about the eight inches. Hopefully this snow will stay longer than all the other snow falls we've had. I love the crunch under my feet and the way it glistens. Brad and I were up before sunlight and outside shoveling this morning. Actually he was doing the shoveling since we only have one shovel (although I really don't mind shoveling at all), and I was just hanging out keeping him company and enjoying the beauty of it. But, boy, it sure was cold this morning!

I've been spending a nice amount of time either crocheting/knitting or reading in the evenings. I've been keeping myself very busy during the day with schoolwork and housework so when the evening comes, after the dinner dishes are cleaned up, I love to sit by the light of the Christmas tree and relax with either my yarn or a book. It's so cozy on these cold days. A perfect way to relax in my opinion. I just recently finished up a second one of these knitted cowls. The first one I made was a Christmas gift for my mom. I loved the pattern so much, that I decided to make one for myself. I used the alpaca yarn I got in New York last summer. I was so excited to finally find the perfect pattern for this yarn.

Once the roads get cleaned off a bit, I'm planning on heading into town to pick up some snacks for the kiddos and their friends tonight. It's sleepover night in our home tonight. That translates into a late night for not only the kids but also mom and dad. And I'm pretty certain there will be some sled-riding this afternoon. We just can't pass up these magical snowy days!

Have a great weekend!


  1. have a great and happy New Year..

  2. Have you ever thought of somehow putting all of your blogs into a book? You have such a gift for writing and you don't know how God has used you in my life for encouragement. What a blessing and comfort your words have been to me and I'm sure to others, as I've gone through much the same kind of "thorn in the flesh" that you've gone through.
    Your photography is exquisite, too! (I always feel like I'm sitting on your couch, sipping a cup of tea in God's perfect peace.)
    May He richly bless you in this new year, Amber!


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