
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

just checking in...

First of all, thank you so much for all of your kind words and prayers regarding my last post. Yes, things have been very challenging, but God is faithful and He has been tucking little treasured gifts in here and there for us to enjoy and reflect upon.

One of those gifts is an answer to my medical issues, or rather, what was causing my medical issues. It's so nice to have some direction now and to have a course of treatment. It's still going to be a long recovery road, but it's always more helpful to know that there will most likely be an end to the physical symptoms I have been having.

Another gift is that my doctor switched my antidepressant from Zoloft (which I seemed to have plateaued at 75mg but couldn't handle anything higher) to Lexapro. I think that it just might be working. I seem to be having more up days/moments than I had before. So I'm so thankful for that.

And in the midst of all of these physical and emotional struggles, I've been forcing myself to press on. It hasn't been easy (or even pleasant at times), but I think it's been essential for my long-term well-being. My kids know I'm sick. It's hard to hide it from them when I feel like I do, but we're really trying to surrender this to God and take things in stride and enjoy the little moments when I am feeling good.

And so we've taken walks, picked pears, harvested a bunch of herbs and vegetables that are still left in our garden beds. We've sewed and crafted and spent nights cuddled up crocheting on the couch. We've read books, cleaned rooms, reorganized different areas of the house. We've played board games and worked puzzles and drawn pictures.

And other days, like Sunday, daddy takes the kids and keeps them occupied while mommy takes a three hour nap because it's one of the days she just couldn't push through.

But somehow, we're making it work, and we're trusting God and His hand on our family.

And I have been learning soooo much more through this all. I really have. And I'm glad that these trials we are enduring (and the ones that you too are enduring) serve a heavenly purpose. These struggles are not for naught. There is hope in that. Oh, I'm so thankful for that hope.

And as mommy has been finding it necessary to rest more, the kids have proven to be little angels. Last week, I got breakfast in bed. A bowl of cereal and apple slices and a cup of hot tea. And Ian has had a recent interest in cooking and baking and has been making meals for us (with my help and assistance, of course.) Ian and Lily made breakfast on Saturday consisting of waffles, eggs, and bacon, and then Ian made a roasted chicken with wild rice last night, and the plan he has for tonight are hamburgers and quinoa salad. All of these things go on with my help and direction, of course, but it does really delight my heart to see him to eager to learn in the kitchen.

And I also wanted to mention that I recently re-stocked my Etsy shop, A Lovely Yarn. I still have more pictures to take and post for other items I have made, but that will come as the energy (and the right lighting {smile}) come. I'd love for you to stop over and browse some of my handmades.

Thanks again for your most appreciated prayers.



  1. Love! the scarves. They are beautiful. I am envious of your pears. So yummy.

  2. I'm so glad you're starting to feel better. Your pictures are just delightful. Love the zinnias and the pears and your beautiful scarves. Your kids are so cute and seem so sweet!

  3. I'm really glad to hear you are having some good days lately :) I love those photos of your kids cooking. They sound like such wonderful kids. I'll continue to keep you in my prayers and hope for a full recovery!

  4. So glad to hear that your doing better. I love to think of you and your sweet family and all the cozy things you do to keep positive and happy; it is very precious. Your pears are so beautiful. I would love to be able to grow them. Love all your crochet projects and etsy shop.
    Its nice when the kids learn how to help and cook. It is good for all of
    you. Have a great week Amber.


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