
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

the Holy Ground of motherhood...

This week is a week of rest for our family. I'm sneaking in moments of homeschool planning as we are officially starting our new school year next Monday (a later start than usual, but necessary with all of the many things that have been going on in our family) as well as much-treasured moments spent with my yarn and hook in preparation for the upcoming festival I am scheduled to have a booth at in a couple of weeks. 

We celebrated Ian's 10th birthday yesterday. He was quite happy with his new dart gun and a whole set of Rangers Apprentice books. This boy of ours really loves to read. We celebrated with a doughnut stack lit up with cool Lego candles after a dinner of his choosing (roasted chicken and macaroni and cheese.)

Today, despite two cups of coffee, I'm feeling quite sleepy and low on energy. Despite that, I'm feeling blessed with the calling of motherhood that God has placed on my life. I often lose sight of the greatness of this calling, especially in the midst of sleepless nights, sickness, and the general busyness of life. 

But really we have such a great opportunity as mothers. God is using us to raise His next generation of soldiers and world-shakers. The moments we invest into our children are eternal investments. And when I think of my role as a mother in light of this, I find much encouragement and strength to press on through the moments and days that are long, monotonous, frustrating, and exhausting.

Despite how this world makes us feel, motherhood is THE most important calling we have as women. We may not have as much time as we used to have to invest in others or our own interests, but the time we sacrificially invest into the lives of our children is heaping up eternal rewards and dividends.

So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and steady, always enthusiastic about the Lord’s work, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless. ~1 Cor. 15:58


  1. I happy that you are pausing for rest. We all need a moment or two to slow down, take a deep breath and recharge.

    I love how Ian had donuts instead of a cake for his birthday!

  2. Sounds as if you are feeling a bit better, that is good. Loved the 'cake' and the Lego candles. My baby is 25 and would love those. Thanks for sharing your week.
    blessings, jill

  3. So sweet! I love the photos of the kids with the cute baby. And that donut stack looks delicious!

  4. Just back and catching up on so many of your posts that I missed :( but summer called and I listened! It was my 1st summer home with my kiddos and WE ENJOYED!

    that said...when I saw the bow post, truly it was like reading my own! Your little man and mine would have a blast together! and that book!!! oh my! if ya find another for $1 grab it!!! what a steal! Mine LOVES that book.

    SO hoping that you start to feel better, it sounds as if GOd is really pulling you through this funk, you are STRONG and He will continue His work in you...

    Like you said, Motherhood is our most important job right now...and really, it's only for a moment. The time we take today, we may not notice tomorrow. But in the long run, MOST definitely! My kiddos went off to school last Wednesday, and I am feeling a funk. I MISS them. Reading your posts have been encouraging...know that you are loved, and appreciated.
    You are touching lives with your words...Thank You.

    Here's to another day!

  5. See now THAT is my kind of cake, I would take the donuts over cake anyday :) And the candles are adorable too!

    Hope you have a restful day today :)

  6. I just love your pictures Such a beautiful family! And that cake looks fantastic!

  7. Your photos inspire me to beautify!
    I like your donut cake! We have 3 birthdays in 3 weeks. Sometimes we have different desserts because we got tired of so much cake!
    Harvest Lane Cottage


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