
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

In limbo...

Hello readers.

I've been MIA. Busy and sick. Oh, yes, still not feeling myself. And that is where I've been stuck in limbo, trying to figure out what in the world is going on with this body of mine. I've put myself on an elimination diet and am seeing a couple of new doctors next week. Hopefully (and prayerfully) I'll find some relief soon. I'll eliminate any food(s) as long as it means that I'll feel better!

In between trying to find moments of rest, my days have been filled with harvesting garden goodies. Summer is such a busy time of the year for me.

I've also been sneaking in moments of crochet here and there, trying to restock my inventory for next month's festival. This is something that excites me so!

Brad and I attempted a little date this past Saturday. I say attempt because we managed to get in lunch and a little stroll in a cute local town, but then I was exhausted and sick and we had to go home. Bummer. But during that short stroll, I was able to visit a wonderful yarn shop that I'd never been to before, and boy did that lift my spirits. I didn't buy anything since I currently do not have any extra cash, but I will most definitely venture back when I have a little spending cash to blow on more yarn!

Sergei comes home this weekend. I can't believe two months have passed already. Really? Summer just sped by this year. He gets back Sunday and then starts school on Tuesday, so Monday will be a very last-minute, rushed back-to-school shopping day for him and me.

I'm currently drying my organic herbs, and making them available for purchase. If you are interested in purchasing, here are the details:

My herbs are all organic. I am selling them in 3 x 6 resealable baggies for $6.00 each. Shipping is $2.50 for the first herb baggie and 50 cents for each additional baggie. Payments are accepted through Paypal (you do not have to have a paypal account to pay this way; just a valid email.)

I will have the following herbs available: parsley, oregano, sage, basil, lemon balm, mint, and rosemary. You can contact me via my blog, using the "contact me" link on the sidebar or via the comments if you are interested in purchasing.
It is important to note that I don't crush my herbs into a powder. The longer they are left in their larger state, the longer they retain their flavor and freshness. Herbs are best crushed right before using. You can do this either with a mortar and pestle or just by rubbing the herbs in the palms of your hands.


  1. I'm so sorry to hear you've not been feeling like yourself lately. I bet it has to be so frustrating. Hopefully with your elimination diet you can get to the root of the problem.

    Good luck with selling the dried herbs! You've reminded me that I need to gather up mine and dry them so they don't go to waste.

  2. praying you feel better soon..
    take it easy..

  3. I just loved all these pics and I want to come over for a herb drying party. The last couple of days, I've been focusing on Kale and Basil and my fingers are permanently green!

    I see in the post below that you have grape leaves. Do you eat them? I make stuffed grape leaves in the summer, but haven't ever tried preserving grape leaves.

  4. hello amber,
    sorry to hear you feel not well.praying for you!!
    beautiful photos,your garden harvest looks wonderful.
    wish you all the best,
    love and hugs regina

  5. Hope you are feeling better. It's never fun to be under the weather...

    Love that you are selling your herbs.. We grow many of the same here.

    HappyinDoleValley :)

  6. I hope you feel better really soon. I can't believe all the great things you accomplish even when you're not feeling well. Your carrots and blackberries are gorgeous, and it's so neat that you're selling your herbs!

  7. HI I am a Senior in Highschool and I am trying to figure out what I want to do with my life. I don't know anyone that I can interview to get a better grasp on what I want to do, so a friend suggested I connect with some bloggers. So that's where this is coming from haha. I was just wondering what you actually majored in and what you were doing before you started homesteading. Also, how is it that you are making your living now? Thanks for your time!


Thanks for taking the time to comment!