
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

sand on our toes...

We're enjoying some time in this quaint little cottage by the sea, our annual beach vacation to this endearing little beach town. The weather has been a mix of rain and sun and a tad bit chillier than usual for July, but we are living the life of rest and relaxation. :) I love home and, honestly, being away for any thing more than a week or so is a bit too much, but I do love having a week of living a bit more carefree than usual.

We've been enjoying the beach and the local shops during the day. And Brad and I always start to dreaming when walking the streets of this endearing little town, looking at the homes for sale, seeing the unlocked potential they hold, dreaming of owning our own for family and friends to vacation at. That's one of the things I enjoy most about getting away ~ dreaming. What is life without a bit of it? And the dreams seem to flow a little easier when away from the routine responsibilities of life. 

I've also been enjoying reconnecting with God this week as well. Brad and I have been going through 1 Samuel over the last month, and it's been such an encouraging time of learning more about trusting God and His faithfulness. I've been praying for a revival of my heart and spirit (because, let's face it, we all need a bit of revival from time to time, don't you think!?) 

And, of course, we've all brought along some of our favorite things ~ Legos, Sherlock Holmes, stuffed animals, yarn (hmmm... I wonder who brought the yarn!?), and some mindless beach reading from the library. I've managed to almost finish my knitting project (yippee!) and took a few hours to make a sunhat for Lily (who outgrew her hat from last year.) I'm pleased with how it turned it, and she is so happy to have another "mommy creation" to wear. 

Well, I pray that you would all have a most blessed Tuesday!


  1. It looks just wonderful. We often dream of owning a beach home too. Someday perhaps. Have a happy holiday.

  2. Looks like you all are having a great time! Love the photos :) I am a big Dave Matthews Band fan so I liked seeing them up on your phone :)

  3. Beautiful photos and looks like a fantastic time! We go away to Rhode Island toward fall and I just can't wait for the sand in my toes. :)

  4. lovely photos..
    glad youre all having a great time..

  5. So beautiful! :)
    I love the water and looks so wonderful!

    I would be toting yarn along with me as well! Loved seeing your projects!


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