
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

braiding garlic

When I dug up my garlic this past weekend, I will admit that I was giddy with excitement. It was kind of like opening up a gift as I dug down in that dirt, waiting to see how the bulbs had grown, not sure what I would find since they'd been tucked down in that plot since last fall.

Some of the bulbs were nice and full of a bunch of cloves, others were smaller with only four or five cloves. However, all in all, I will count my first experience with growing garlic an exciting success. After I had dug up the garlic, I had laid it all out on a counter-top in the garage until I had more time to get it ready to dry. Last night, I sat in the backyard and braided it together. It looked so pretty! :) Even Brad thought so. And it was so relaxing to sit there and braid it all together.

Brad made a little makeshift drying line in the garage which is the only place that meets the requirements for drying garlic (well, other than the living spaces of our home, but I didn't want to offend any guests with the strong smell of garlic.) We hung up the garlic, and I do admit to feeling some gushing emotions looking at the garlic I grew hanging there in a pretty line.

And the whole process reminded me of my Papa. The scent of the garlic reminded me of the scent of him in the summer. He spent many hours working in his garden, and my Gammy spent many hours preserving all of the goodies he brought in. There farmhouse smelled of garlic and dill all summer long. I still think of summers at their house when I smell garlic and dill.

So according to my research, my garlic will have to hang and dry for two weeks. Then it will be able to be used, and in the meantime I need to figure out the best way to store it once it's finished drying. I am going to put back some of the bulbs to replant this fall. I also decided that I'm going to plant even more this fall and I'm going to include a hardneck variety so I can have scapes next spring to use in our salads and other dishes.

I am having so much fun in my gardens this summer. 


  1. We did this last year! Once cured, we braided the garlic and hung them up over our kitchen sink to snip a clove or bulb whenever we needed them for cooking. It's really convenient!

  2. So nice to braid it! I planted some a bit late, in January. But the squirrels got most of the bulbs. Although I was thrilled to see them easy! I will take your post as a reminder to plant this fall.

  3. Amber, your photos are always so beautiful! We're preparing to harvest our first garlic crop and I'll be braiding all of it too, just like my grandma does every year.

  4. That is so awesome! I need to try garlic this fall. I wanted to plant some last year but waited too long. I'm glad your first planting was successful! It looks so cute braided up like that. It's wonderful that it brought back happy memories for you :)

  5. How neat! And it is so pretty.

    We thought about trying garlic this year, but as first year gardeners once I read up about them they intimidated me. You should give me a crash course! I'd love to try next year...

  6. Beautiful, I love your braided garlic photos :)

    Can't wait to start growing my garden here.


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