
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

just hangin' around...

Good morning, friends. Wow. What a full spring we've been having here in our home. The weather has been strangely cool for June, but we've been making the most of it. We've taken many day trips, hiking, exploring, enjoying nature. Day trips are quite nice, in my opinion. This past weekend, we spent all day Saturday at a French and Indian War encampment and then hiking through the state park. 

Of course, the kids have been soaking in the pool as much as possible. I haven't gone in yet. I prefer to sit and watch them while I knit. Maybe once it gets really hot I'll feel more motivated to get in. 

This weekend, we'll be heading out to take Sergei to catch his train north for the summer. I think I mentioned before that he will be spending the summer serving at Word of Life Bible Institute's summer camps. We're praying it will be a life-changing experience for him. I really suspect he will grow much spiritually this summer.  We have a bit of a drive to the nearest Amtrak station, so we're going to leave a bit early and hit up Niagara Falls before he has to board his train. The kids are all excited to see the Falls. 

Our cherry trees are starting to produce, as well as our strawberry plants. The strawberries aren't doing the greatest, but I suppose it will take a couple of years to get a good harvest, as is with most berry plants. In the meantime, we'll take every single berry we can get and savor it. They're so much better and sweeter than the ones purchased in the market. 

Ian has taken to the hobby of photography. He might look just like his father, but he is so much like his mother! (smile) He filled my ipod up with photos during our hike over the weekend, and I let him use my point-and-shoot out in our backyard. I love to see him taking an interest in such a hobby. 

Tomorrow, I will be posting my last post of the "How We Homestead" series.  Tomorrow's topic is "Looking Into the Future." I'll be sharing our hopes and aspirations for our humble little homestead. I hope you'll join me. 

Have a blessed day!


  1. Such pretty photos! I love the pool shots. It has been so hot here today, I could go for a dip in the pool! :)

  2. I love that you are having cool weather. We had a few cool days when my Dad arrived, but now we are having a heat wave. We tried some new portable swamp coolers, but they are not as efficient as the old one... might have to go back to that. Your pool looks heavenly. Wonderful that Sergei is going to camp; I love that. I 'm sure it will be a blessing. Have fun at the Falls.


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