
Monday, June 17, 2013

cherry pickin'

Our pie cherries are doing amazing this year. I've picked twice in the last five days, and have been able to fill up a gallon-full of cherries. This is the first year that our cherries have done this good. Usually there have been a few here and there, most of them eaten by the birds before the kids even had the chance to pick some for themselves.

The cherries I've picked so far have gone straight to the freezer. I quick freeze them by laying them out as a single layer on a cookie sheet, sticking them in the freezer until they are firm, then I dump them all in a freezer bag. I'm already imagining all of the yummy cobblers and pies (gluten-free, of course) I'll be able to make with all these beautiful, homegrown cherries. Now, I'm even more excited for our sweet cherry trees to start producing abundantly! The few that we've gotten so far taste wonderful!

We had an amazing weekend in New York this past weekend. Sergei had to catch his train early Saturday morning, so we went up early Friday morning to spend some time together as a family before he left. The kids were all amazed by the Falls, and it was very reminiscent for Brad and I as that was where we went for our honeymoon thirteen years ago. Oh, how time has changed our lives! This time we were there with three kids in tow.

I hope to share some of the photos I snapped during our little stay. I also picked up some wonderful treasures and goodies in a quaint little town we visited on Saturday. It was such a delightful little gem of a town, totally unexpected. I love those little discoveries that are made when one is not in a hurry.

Have a blessed day today. The kids and I are heading out for some shopping with my mother-in-law.


  1. How wonderful!! I just love fresh cherries and I love cherry pie. Yum!!

  2. Those cherries look delicious! I could go for a slice of cherry pie right about now :)

  3. Hi Amber,
    Our cherry tree is loaded this year also. My daughter just made cherry syrup and then canned it.
    It is amazing!
    Blessings, Roxy


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