
Monday, April 22, 2013

a knitted cowl

I made my first attempt at knitting in the round over the weekend. I used a bulky yarn and size 15mm 24" circular bamboo needles. And I realize that there may be those of you who have been knitting for years and look at my cowl and think "well, that's no big deal,"  but I was so darn excited. I beg you to think back to those earlier years of knitting when you were just learning and got so elated at every successful attempt you completed!

I began to teach myself to knit a couple of months ago, but have only done swatches of the different stitches up until this point so this is my first wearable item. And you can be sure that I wore it all day today. I finished it last night while Brad and I watched a movie, and, despite the fact that I really did not like the cold weather we had over the weekend, I was slightly excited that it was cool enough to wear it today!

I used to think that I was incapable of knitting. My Gammy (my cute little Ukrainian grandmother) who taught me how to crochet around age eight or nine also attempted to teach me how to knit. Unsuccessfully. I just never could get the hang of manipulating two needles. And I attempted to teach myself how to knit a couple of times during my 20's, but, again, each attempt was unsuccessful.

And this time around, I realized why my past few attempts were not successful. I did not persevere. Instead I let myself get frustrated and discouraged and gave up.

This time around I am determined to not only learn how to knit, but to become an experienced knitter (eventually) just as I have become an experienced crocheter. I realize that it takes time, dedication, and perseverance. And I have learned that letting my hands work with yarn completely relaxes me. It's good for my mind and my soul. I carry my project bag with my yarn and hooks/needles around with me almost everywhere I go. Yes, I have become one of "them."

I guess my whole round-about point to this post is that if you're really interested in learning a certain art or handiwork or skill or whatever, then you can. You most certainly can. What does it take? Dedication, hard work, drive, and the willingness to stick with it and keep trying (now matter how many times you have to rip that row of stitches out!)

And so I will continue to knit row after row of stitches until I can eventually make one of those gorgeous fine-knit sweaters for myself. I will. I'm determined. And, Lord-willing, I'm going to do it!

And if you're so inclined, I would love for you to comment and share what it is that you've been wanting to learn.


  1. Its beautiful, I don't blame you for wearing it all day.. it is so pretty, and looks like it is very comfortable. It was cold enough here too.... we got some more snow tonight. I love that you have persevered in your knitting. I think knitting is beautiful, but I haven't persevered in learning more. I can do some basic knitting; it has been a while, so I am a little rusty.
    I love your colors... I think I have some of the same yarn. Have a great week.

  2. Beautiful! I love using circ needles; I lose so few of them thataway.


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