
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

these icy days...

Beautiful icy etchings are gracing the panes of our windows this morning. It's a frigid, icy morning here in the northeast. These cold days have been the kind that make me want to stay cuddled up inside with blankets and mugs of tea. I've been so grateful that the shopping for the next couple of weeks was all done last week, and we can stay warm inside!

I completed my first knitted dishcloth. I realized about half way through that I was using very small needles (#4) which explained the sore fingers! It was very exciting to finish up that humble, little project. It's wonderful to have actually taken the leap and learned something that I've been wanting to learn for so very long. And it was actually my Lily that pushed me since she wanted me to learn so I could teach her.

Most of my spare moments have been spent with some kind of yarn project in my hands. I completed a couple of crocheted dishcloths as the ones I made several years ago have become very worn. I also completed a baby bonnet for a friend who just had a baby. I used this pattern. I also started a pair of fingerless gloves last night using this pattern I had purchased a couple of months back.

Last night, Lily had pulled an old shoebox of pics out of our closet. The box was filled with photos from Brad's and my high school years. The kids highly enjoyed making fun of our haircuts and clothes. "Mommy, why did you tuck your shirt into your jeans like that? It looks silly!" and "Daddy, your hair looks ugly. Why's it so long?" Oh my. What fun. Ian used a flashlight to examine some of the old negatives he found in the box. The kids got a little lesson on the archaic art of 35mm photo-taking!

Well, today will be a day full of schooling, laundry, and cooking. I'm going to light a few candles, put a small pot of oranges and cinnamon sticks on the stove to simmer, and get started with our school lessons.

Oh, but before I go I want to share something Brad and I discussed during our time in the Word this morning. We read and journaled on Proverbs 3:13-18. In this portion of Scripture there is a verse that compares wisdom to a "tree of life" for those who obtain it. Godly wisdom. Not earthly wisdom.

So that led Brad and I to discuss how a tree is only as strong as its roots. If its roots are healthy and dug deep into good, rich soil it will endure the storms of life. If its roots are weak, brittle, and shallow, it will not withstand the storms of life.

We related this to ourselves as believers. If our roots are healthy and dug deep into God and His Word, we will endure and continue to flourish even through the storms of life. If our roots are shallow and dug into the world and its wisdom and offerings, our endurance will be lacking and the storms of life will overwhelm us.

This is something I want for myself. I want my roots dug deep into my Father. There are so many things in this life that can distract me from Him. It's a daily surrender of my will and earthly desires in order to be fully surrendered to Him. And it's hard. But it really is the only pathway to a life of spiritual blessings and peace.

Well, have a blessed day!

May I leave you with a song that I've really been enjoying lately?


  1. Your dishcloths are great! I gave up on knitting. For some reason I just couldn't grasp it. I found crochet must easier but haven't really spent any time on it lately.

  2. I crack up at the changes in the generation, and what "seemed" so "normal" to us "way back when", is an oddity to our kids. I remember looking back on some of our families 1960's yearbooks and thinking how funny their hair and glasses looked, and here our kids think like wise of our generations... it is funny isn't it?
    Love your cold day routine.... it is definitely the best way to go through the winter and the cold season the way you described. Love your dishclothes.

  3. I crack up at the changes in the generation, and what "seemed" so "normal" to us "way back when", is an oddity to our kids. I remember looking back on some of our families 1960's yearbooks and thinking how funny their hair and glasses looked, and here our kids think like wise of our generations... it is funny isn't it?
    Love your cold day routine.... it is definitely the best way to go through the winter and the cold season the way you described. Love your dishclothes.


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