
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

routine and an exciting announcement

Today is our first official day back to our routine. The last two weeks were an absolutely wonderful, much-needed break from homeschooling. It was such a refreshment to me.

Today is also Brad's first day back to work in 1 1/2 weeks. He worked from home for three days during that time period, but we were still able to sleep in a bit longer and our schedule was a bit more laid back. So we're both diving back in to "normal" days today.

 {Our matching "Kyle Houser" mugs. Mine was a gift for my birthday from my mom, and then I got a matching one for Brad for Chrismtas. Kyle is a local artist/potter whose work is fantastic!}

I woke up, made Brad breakfast and packed his lunch. Then I put on the coffee and started a pot of water with orange rinds, cloves, and cinnamon sticks on the stovetop. This little concoction makes the most amazing scent! I've done this a couple of times this break, and I've fallen in love with the warm scent that fills our home. Next, I plan to try adding some clippings of pine to the mix and see how that smells.

 We de-Christmased our home yesterday. I miss the tree. Only because I really enjoy the warmth of the lights at night and in the morning when it's still dark out. However, I'm glad that the mess is taken care of and the house feels spacious and very uncluttered right now. It's a good feeling to know that's taken care of now that I need to refocus on our studies.

We've had quite a run of snowy days here in Western PA. It's been cold and snowy, and the kids have been enjoying sled-riding with friends. They even dragged me out one day! That's amazing because I really detest being cold, but, truth-be-told, I did have a lot of fun. Other than some minor injuries and bumps and bruises.

The chickens, on the other hand, are NOT enjoying the snow. They seem very unsure of what to make of it all. We've been keeping their run shoveled in the hopes that they would at least come out into that space. I've been tempting them with fresh veggies and seeds. They followed me out into the yard the other day, staying just to the shoveled paths. These little chickens sure are entertaining to watch!

 {She's like, "What am I supposed to do with this?!}

 {These four were a bit more hesitant to step out into the snow.}

In our homeschooling studies, I plan on starting a unit study using Laura Ingalls Wilder's book Little House in the Big Woods. I love the "Little House" series. Ian and I have read them before, but I'm excited to include Lily in this now! I know that she will love them. I have several "Little House" activity books that I will be using to add in extra learning and crafting activities to make this study enjoyable and fun. I'm looking forward to this change in our studies. Sometimes all you need to be reinspired is to mix things up a bit And that's my plan for the winter months ahead.

And one last thing before I go and start my day...

I went and did it! I opened my very own Etsy shop ~ SerendipiteeCrochet. I worked on it for most of the day on New Year's Eve. It was on my to-do list for 2013, and I accomplished it the day before the new year started.

Most of what is listed are things I already have made and are ready to be shipped out. There are, however, some custom items that I will make once I receive orders for them. I will also be adding items on a regular basis (I hope) as I get things made.

I am so excited to have finally taken the plunge and done this!

And to get things kicked off, I am offering 10% off to my readers through this Saturday night at midnight (1/5/13). Just use the coupon code "makingahome10" at checkout to receive your discount.


  1. so happy that you started your business!! happy new year!

  2. I'm jealous of your chickens! I can't wait to have some of my own someday.

    Your Etsy shop looks fantastic, Amber! Good work!


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