
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

keeping warm

We're in the midst of some sickness here again. Last night was a night of little sleep as I bunked out on a child's floor and soothed his cries and sore throat and achy body the best as a mommy could. Which led me to discover that I can sleep sitting straight up if the need should arise {and the body is exhausted enough.}

And so today has been a lazy, pajama day, with lots of Curious George on Netflix and many cups of steaming hot tea. We've got a big pot of chicken noodle soup that I made yesterday which will be lunch today. And we're cuddling in as the freezing rain drops from the sky, thankful that we can stay in today, as illness actually demands it.

And having this sickness in our home {and not feeling too swell myself} has reminded me how thankful I am for a husband who desires for me to be at home with our children. This wonderful man who hauls himself off to work even when he's not feeling good so that he can provide for his family and keep his wife at home. I really thought about that yesterday as I laid down for a little nap. He is a wonderful, godly husband, and I feel very blessed to have him.

Yesterday, during the period of time when the anti-fever/anti-pain meds were in full swing, we tackled an art project that I've been waiting to do since August of last year when I had started prepping the canvases. My friend made the vinyl letters for me which was helpful rather than having to stencil each letter onto contact paper. And as you can see in the above photos, after the watercolors were dry, we peeled the vinyl letters off which left nice bright white letters.

You can see the original project instructions at Our Family for His Glory.

Our dog has found a new watch-out. She has been lost since we moved the sofa out from in front of the window to put up our tree. Then once the tree was down, I decided to leave the sofa away from the window and, instead, put a large basket that holds all of the afghans and blankets. And then one day, we found her atop of that, on alert for any cars that might be coming down the lane. 

And for the rest of the day? Well, I hope to find some motivation deep down inside to make the bed, get dressed, and finish up the laundry and dishes. And maybe I'll cuddle up with some crochet. I have so many ideas in this brain of mine. Right now, I'm working on several custom orders. And I've even mailed out a few completed items. I'm hoping to add more to the shop over the next several weeks. I have five skeins of the most gorgeous deep purple 100% merino wool yarn that I cannot wait to work with!

And I'm also waiting {im}patiently for this to arrive. I can't wait to get started on this. I haven't done counted cross-stitch since high school.  I figure that if I start on this when it arrives I should have it done in time for next winter! 

Have a blessed day!


  1. So glad you were able to make the canvas! It turned out beautifully!! :) (And praying you'll all feel better quickly!)

  2. Beautiful pictures! It is so wonderful that you have been blessed with such a wonderful husband and proclaim it for all to hear. This warms my heart.

  3. The canvas is great! A little bit of sunshine in the dead of winter. :)

  4. Beautiful!

    I hope you all are feeling better! It's amazing how we moms can catch a wink of sleep however we can!

    I too am very thankful for a hubby that desires for me to be home and works so diligently every day for us! What a blessing!

    Blessings to you all for 2013!


  5. I hope you are all feeling better. I just did a post on what we do when we are sick... isn't that funny... if you don't mind, pop over and tell me what you guys do when you are sick. I love the art work you did; I am very grateful for the links you provided; what a fun idea, and so beautiful.


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