
Monday, August 6, 2012

The View These Days...

I fear I may bore you all with my continual chatting about gardening and preserving, but that is the essence of my life these days...

Today I picked and the kids and I husked a whole heaping cart-full of sweet corn. And now I am in the midst of kernels, ice, boiling pots, and stacks and stacks of ears of corn. The kitchen is really in a state of disarray - counters sticky with sugary corn goodness, sinks full of ice for blanching, drying racks scattered in the empty places and heaped with corn pyramids...

And we won't even talk about the sticky mess on the floor when a corn pyramid collapsed. :)

And I just can't help myself but to snap away with the camera when my kids take it upon themselves to learn something new. Ian had the idea to solar cook a few ears of corn, and so I just kind of let them run with it. The best kind of learning - through intrigue, curiosity, and experimentation. He's making it for dinner.{Smile}

We did take a break from gardening this past weekend for some fun family time...

A French and Indian War battle reenactment...

  (Ian looks a tad bit nervous here.)

Very much an awesome learning experience for kids and mama alike...

We explored a local cavern...

They did a light show in the "wedding chapel" of the cavern to Handel's "Hallelujah Chorus", and it was overwhelmingly humbling and majestic! Standing in the bowels of the earth, witnessing His glorious, amazing, miraculous creation, and praising Him in my heart.

(My dad and I)

The kids enjoyed panning for gems...

And, of course, we had to stop and pose for a family photo (which never really turns out like you hoped...) :)

And we are loving on these baby bunnies. They are so snuggly and precious.


 These little furry bundles are so cute I can hardly stand it!

Here's little Surprise, who is actually almost as big as her mama now...

Well, as sweet as this little break has been, my corn pyramids are beckoning to me.


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