
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Because Being a Mom is Tough Work (Book Review)...

"The Creator of the heavens and earth fashioned you to be the mother of the children He has entrusted to you. What joy it is to embrace the role of motherhood, free ourselves from the traps that aim to devour and devalue us, and live a momlife worthy of His calling. This doesn't mean a momlife without challenges or mistakes, but a momlife increasingly dependent upon our heavenly Father. Not expecting perfection but being willing to love and nurture our children, to help them grow into the women and men God intends for them to be."

The preceding quote is from Tracey Lanter Eyster's new book, Be the Mom: Overcome Attitude Traps and Enjoy Your Kids (Focus on the Family). The subtitle of the book sums it up: "overcome attitude traps and enjoy your kids." And that's what this book is about. 

In this book, Eyster covers seven attitude traps that she believes mothers many times fall into. These seven traps include: Just-a-Mom Trap; Me Mom Trap; Martyr Mom Trap; Busy Mom Trap; Mirror Mom Trap; They Say Mom Trap.

One chapter is devoted to each trap. Eyster shares personal stories from her own mothering experience as well as examples from other women whom she knows and/or interviewed for the book. The chapters are not in-you-face degrading or discouraging, but rather written in a humorous and encouraging fashion.

At the end of each chapter, Eyster has included a little quiz of sorts that the reader can take to see how much they struggle in that particular area. Also included in each chapter, are some practical ideas on how to overcome the attitude trap.

And the most important thing is that Eyster emphasizes our role as mothers as a holy calling from God. We were not meant to do it alone or in our own strength, but with the help and guidance of our Heavenly Father.

This book was such an encouragement. I definitely recognized myself in several of the mom traps. But I didn't find this book to be overwhelming or guilt-producing, but rather quite the opposite. Tracey's words were motivating and inspiring. She re-motivated me to be the mom to my children that God created me to be (because, let's face it, we all get a little stuck sometimes and need some re-motivating!)

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.*

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