
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Grilled Zucchini and Turkey Bacon Sandwich with Basil Dipping Sauce

Our zucchini is doing great this year! (I know most people's do great every year, but we've had a four or five year run of very limited zucchini production so I'm very excited.)

Today I was wondering about what to make for lunch.

I made a fun lunch for the kids ~ whole wheat waffles with turkey bacon. However, being on a gluten-free diet I couldn't eat the waffles. So that left bacon.

And one of the many zucchinis I had in the fridge.

This is the end product. And it was delish-ish!

Here's how I did it...

Cut your zucchini in approximately 1/4 inch thick rounds. Place in mixing bowl, sprinkle with a little olive oil, salt, and garlic powder. Toss to cover all the zucchini.

Grill the zucchini until nice and golden brown with those beautiful grill marks I so adore.  :)

Toast whatever kind of bread you're going to use. I used Rudi's Gluten-free bread. Fry the bacon on the stove.

While the zucchini is grilling and the bread is toasting, whip up the following basil sauce (oh, goodness I have so much basil this year. That's a good thing.)

Basil Dipping Sauce (makes enough for many sandwiches)

*1 cup packed fresh basil leaves
*1/3 cup olive oil
*3 tbsp lemon juice (I used fresh-squeezed but lemon from a bottle would work too.)
*3/4 tsp salt
*1/2 tsp pepper

Mix all of the above using either a food processor or blender. You want to make a smooth, creamy sauce.

The nice thing about this is that it makes enough for you to have for other dishes if you don't want to eat sandwiches all week. You could use it as a dipping sauce for grilled chicken or pour it over your grilled salmon.  Or you could just cut the recipe in half and not make so much. :)

Construct your sandwich: 1 layer of cooked turkey bacon, 1 layer of grilled zucchini, repeat once more with both layers. Pour a little basil sauce on your plate for dipping.

Cut sandwich in half. Dip in basil sauce. Enjoy.

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