
Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Charming Country Life...

After a wonderfully long vacation away, it was still just as wonderful to come home.

Does anyone else enjoy that first step through the doorway of home after a vacation? That one moment in time when your house is actually clean and uncluttered because you haven't been home to mess it up? Yes, I love that moment. But it's just that... a moment!

Ruby's baby bunny growing up. And on top of that, Ruby birthed another bunny this past week!

Our path to the "big" garden...

And we hit the ground running upon our return. The garden was doing its thing, not one to postpone its plan to grow and flourish for the sake of one's vacation...

This week's hard work equaled many, many weeds pulled, tomato plants tied, 22 pints of dilled pickles, many bags of frozen broccoli and green beans, gallons of blueberries and blackberries frozen for the months ahead. And there's still so much more to do in the days ahead.

Oh, and I just have to share this photo with you all. At the tail end of our vacation, we headed to northern New Jersey to spend a few days with my dear friend, Masumi. It's been a year since we've visited. Oh, I had so much fun!

 Have a blessed day!


  1. Everything looks so green and pretty at your place. I don't think I will be doing much canning this year as it is super dry. We are having a severe drought.

    Vacation is great, but I know what you mean about coming home. There is really no place like home!

    Have a great week!

  2. Oh, is there nothing better than returning home after a time away? There really is "no place like home." :) Your place is beautiful, by the way, and it seems like you have been one productive little bee! We have been pitting/canning plums over here. Next up: peaches :)


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