
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Life is Beautiful...

A night away here...

With him...

Quiet, calm peaceful. Just the two of us, the forest, and the river. And long walks.

Trees made perfect for climbing...

Colors everywhere the eye can see...

New life waiting to burst open...

Warm days. Sunshine. Playing...

Homegrown, organic food. The dirt pressed under the palm of my hand. The pull and release of roots from the soil...


Grace. Oh grace. How sweet the sound indeed. Because I was truly once lost, but now I've been found. I was once blind but now I see.

Old wood. History written on its surfaces. Inherited to write our own history down now...

A reminder that the wounded places are the growing places...

Old, chippy white paint. A chair I remember from my childhood, salvaged from my grandparents' home...

A little treasured surprise, delicately carved by an eight year old's hand...

Many blessings to you all, and may your eyes be divinely open to His good gifts that surround you.


  1. Beautiful photos Amber! :)

    I wanted to stop by and ask you about the religious exemption thing you do with your school district. Technically, I don't have a religious reason not to get dental/physical exams done....I *do* those with my children. I just have a **strong** moral conviction that it is none of the state's business about it I am the parent. They offer free education. I decline it and still they have to see all our records and medical info!? It truly bothers me. I was wondering exactly how you word your exemption?
    I would appreciate any help! Thank you so much!

  2. Okay...I think I found the perfect form! So, I will give it a try! :)

  3. LOVE the tree carving!!! your pictures are always great to see. Love your blog. Cutie Pie you and your hubby!

    Also - awesome time the other night at a homeschool meeting! Who would have thought! But you crack me up. Test - who gave you gum? name???



  4. OH BIG BIG BIG Thank you for not making me do those silly type in words! I just posted on four blogs and all of them I was thinking - what words are these!?! I hate those! I disabled them on my blog. Thank you!!!


Thanks for taking the time to comment!