
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Two Things Before I Go: My First Video Post and I Need YOUR Input!

Because I'd like to be able to focus on this coming celebration of Christ's birth without the need to update my blog tapping on my mind's door, I'm temporarily closing up shop here until sometime after Christmas.

However, before I go, I've posted a little reader's poll over there in my sidebar.

I want to know what you, my most precious and appreciated readers, would like to see addressed here at Making A Home in the new year.

And if you would so like, you can watch my video. :)

Have a most blessed Christmas!


  1. Amber,

    Love the video. So nice to put a voice with your words. Have a blessed Christmas and wonderful 2012.


  2. Just voted! Enjoy this wonderful time!

  3. I have to say that you do inspire me! I love reading your blog. God is using you Amber- your writing is out there and you are touching women!!! I wish I could do what you are doing but that is not the gifting that God gave me! Keep following Him. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. You're so beautiful Amber! Inside & out! Can't wait to see what your year holds for your blog!

  6. Dear Amber, I have never commented on anyones blog before but I just love reading what you have to say.You are a very wise woman and I have really been encouraged in building a more spiritual home for my husband and two children. I am really looking forward to what you have to tell us in the new year but I will miss reading your blog till then. Have a blessed and peaceful christmas. LesleyAnn Wasson.

  7. Hey Amber, how are you. I was just checking out your website....its wonderful,i wish i new of it sooner theres so many helpful tips and great craft ideas. I love making crafts with the kids and you have so many wonderful ideas that ill be trying out. I WISH YOU AND YOUR FAMILY A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR, GOD BLESS YOU ALL....cant wait to see what ideas you come up with in 2012...see you after the holidays

  8. Hi Amber,
    I pray a very blessed Christmas for you and your family. I like your Matyoshka dolls, which I too have out... I have several, but one in particular is Father Christmas/Jack Frost one that I pull out at Christmas time... I got it from the town that our kids were from, so it is a nice little memory.

    I love all the gift and packaging ideas you had for Christmas presents. They are all so lovely. I voted on your poll... I have no doubt all subjects will be enjoyed by everyone in a different way... I put those that are most relevant to me. Enjoyed your sweet video.

    May you and your family have a very blessed Christmas.
    Much Love,

  9. Hello Amber!
    You asked on my blog if I could suggest some good knitting resources! :) If you have a ball of yarn and 2 knitting needles...that's all you need to get started. :) I taught myself by watching the videos on :o)

    If I can be of any help...please let me know! :) I hope you have a lovely weekend!

  10. Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting on my house tour post! Sorry it has taken me so long to respond to your comment. I have been quite busy getting ready for Christmas.

    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!


Thanks for taking the time to comment!