
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I'm so excited! An EXCELLENT Jesse Tree Link

I just love how God works. Here I am posting about our Jesse Tree tradition, and then what gets delivered to my inbox this afternoon but a blog post from Ann Voskamp at A Holy Experience offering a free devotional to use with the Jesse Tree. It is being offered as a downloadable book that you can then print out and staple together.

But here's what makes it even better ~ in the back of this fabulous devotional are full-colored versions of all of the Jesse Tree ornaments. You simply have to print on cardstock and cut out. And then, of course, you could laminate them so they are more durable, but, oh goodness, the hard work of coloring them is already done for you.

In order to be able to access this downloadable devotional, you must subscribe to A Holy Experience. But, trust me, you don't want to miss any of Ann's posts. Her writing has inspired me in so many ways over the last several years. You WILL be blessed and inspired.

So go sign up. And get started on those Jesse Tree ornaments. And you'll get the free devotional to boot! Yay!

p.s. - I have two pumpkin pies baking in the oven right now that smell absolutely delish. I love Thanksgiving!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hello! My husband and I make Jesse Tree Ornaments. We have an Etsy shop. If you or your readers are looking for Jesse Tree Ornaments, here's the link:

    Many Blessings,


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