
Friday, November 18, 2011

Book Review: As Silver Refined

This is the very first book I've read of Kay Arthur's. However, I had heard so many great things about her Bible studies so I was so excited when I saw this book available on the review site.

In As Silver Refined: Answers to Life's Disappointments, Kay delves into the deep subject of trials and disappointments (and even tragedies) in the believer's life and how each of these things are not coincidences but actually "God appointments."

Trials are universal experiences whether you are a believer in Christ or not. They are not easy. They are not fun. But they do serve a God-ordained purpose for the believer. To grow our faith. Grow us in our understanding of Him. And draw us nearer to Him. Therefore, all trial, all affliction, serves a Holy purpose and is, therefore, to our benefit. Our suffering is not in vain. Rather it produces perseverance and growth in our relationship with Christ and the Father.

I really found this book to be very edifying. In the midst of some trials myself, this book reconfirmed in my mind some things that I already knew but had not been focusing on ~ that these trials are growing periods. These are the times when I really draw near to God, and He really draws near to me. These trials are producing fruit in my life. And maybe I can't see that fruit right now, but I can be sure that when I deal with life's disappointments and trials in a godly manner, they will reap eternal benefits.

Another great thing about this book is that Kay uses many Scripture references to confirm her writing. She also uses some personal examples as well as examples from people that she has helped over the years. I always find personal examples to be very interesting and encouraging.

This is a great book. Whether you're currently in the midst of a trial right now, or you just want to prepare yourself to be able to better handle disappointment and trial when it does come, this book would be a great addition to your personal Christian growth bookshelf.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Waterbrook Press in exchange for my honest opinion.

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