
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Advent, Christmas ideas, and other upcoming posts...

My honey and I are off for some much-needed date time today, but I wanted to let you all know what I have planned for the next week or so.

First of all, I wanted to remind everyone that Advent starts next Sunday, November 27th. Perhaps you'd like to bring your Christmas celebration into a clearer focus of Christ and His birth and practice the Advent. Our family uses a Jesse tree and devotional each day of Advent to draw our minds and hearts near to Him during this highly commercial, materialistic time of the year.

I will be posting a little about that, hopefully this coming Tuesday. It's hard for me to post about Christmas matter before we even celebrate Thanksgiving (my most favorite holiday), but I realize that in order to be ready for Advent on Sunday, you're going to have to give it a little thought before Advent begins.

Also, at co-op last week, one of my friends suggested I do a blog post on economical gift-giving ideas this season. So, I'm hoping to find some time this week to scour the internet for some great ideas as well as try to reminder some handmade and economical gifts I've given during Christmases past.

Oh, and I also have a Dayspring product review and giveaway coming up sometime this week as well. I kind of dropped the ball on that last week! Sorry!

Have a most blessed and restful Sabbath!


  1. Enjoy you time together. Wishing you both much happiness. Blessings!

  2. For gifting this year I am shopping our local stores, beauty shops, mechanic shops, etc. I have decided not to buy any more items that are 1 -not needed and 2 - made in China. It took a little brain storming but I came up with great ideas for the few that I am shopping for. Looking forward to the Advent post. I love this time of year!


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