
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Where Two or More Are Gathered Together...

Two weeks ago, I had the awesome privilege of attending the Women of Faith Imagine event here in Pittsburgh with complimentary tickets from the Booksneeze review program.

This was my second WOF event, and since the tickets were free, my mom and I splurged on a room at the Marriott across the street from the arena for Friday night. It was some nice girl time!

We also had the awesome opportunity to hang out with two missionary women that our church supports. Angie (on the far left; missionary working with New Tribes in Papua New Guinea with her husband and children) and Susan (to the right of Angie; missionary in Russia with her husband and children.) Both are currently in the States right now, so it was great to be able to catch up with them a bit.

And, of course, since there was a Starbucks right in the lobby of our hotel, we had to take advantage of the easy access to Pumpkin Spice lattes. Yum.

Unlike the Beth Moore conferences I've attended, WOF conferences are not so much Biblical teaching conferences. In other words, the speakers do not dig into Biblical content and offer expository dialogue on passages of Scripture. Rather, WOF conferences are comprised of multiple speakers who present glimpses into their lives and their walks with God.

This year's theme in Pittsburgh was Imagine. The speakers focused on God's amazing grace that had delivered them and worked in their lives in ways that they had not originally imagined.

The lineup included: Dr. Henry Cloud (who was hilarious and very knowledgeable!), Nicole Johnson, Lisa Harper, Sheila Walsh, and Angie Smith. I actually got to talk to Angie for a few short minutes, and, boy, is she just the sweetheart I imagined her to be. So down to earth and humble, and she had the audience cracking up in side-splitting laughter.

WOF conferences are also known for their inclusion of musical guests who give mini concerts to event goers. This year's music was provided by the amazingly talented WOF worship team as well as Natalie Grant and Mary Mary. All of the music was amazing!

My mom and I had a great time. We had awesome seats (five rows back from the stage). And I was super-excited to get to speak to Angie Smith in person (I've been reading her blog for several years.) It was a great way to spend quality time with some good friends!

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