
Monday, October 24, 2011

In Our Own Little World...

What a most blessed and beautiful season fall is...

Small feet treading on cool autumn ground and crunchy leaves...

Time spent trekking through the forest on a warm day...

A little girl with high hopes of teaching her puppy how to dance...

Smiles and giggles that give this mama a deep sense of contentment...

Boys hard at work. Playing, of course...

Learning throughout the rhythm of the day...

Scrumptious piggy-toes...

Date night at Starbucks and Barnes and Noble with my sweetie. Perfect combination...

Some date night decorating inspiration... (Is it wrong that I took pictures of the photos I liked in the book?)

Ingenius idea: old football benches for bookshelves.

What can I say? In my mind, nothing is better than distressed when it comes to decorating...

Loving my co-op insect class and all my great kiddos! What an awesome group of students I have this semester! Studying unit on honeybees...

Ian's last soccer game - scored two goals! Yay! This mama was very proud! Ian with Coach Phil and his prized trophy...

Sergei's soccer team made it to the championship game...

Praying before the game - what a delightful sight this is to me...

There he is. Number 11.

And they won the championships!!!!!!

Teaching my sweet little girls in Sunday school class. Studying God's creation...

It's been a most busy and blessed fall. I pray that you would all come back here tomorrow because I want to share something with you all that is very important to the Spiker family!

Have a most blessed Monday!

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