
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Fingerprints of God...

There is much comfort in knowing that Christ's appointments are never haphazard.

He works out all the details of His children's lives in His Sovereign wisdom.

And He does so intently and with full-bodied purpose.

Nothing is coincidental with God. All things are with purpose.

Therefore, dear sister, your life is with purpose because He made you.

Accept it. Embrace it. Live it.

A life of purpose.

(Praise the Lord, both of my boys made a statement of their faith in Jesus Christ through baptism several weeks ago. I praise God for this decision that He convicted both of them in and they stepped forward in obedience to do.)


  1. How wonderful. God bless them both. Blessings!

  2. Praise God; you have to be one Happy Mama! Looking forward to seeing you all on the other side of the veil.
    In Him, from Thistle Cove Farm

  3. Wow you must have been bursting with joy at this - love it!!


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