
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Can This Mother Brag a Moment?

Every mother is entitled to the right to brag on her kids a little, right?

Sergei attended our area's Pennsylvania State Police Camp Cadet last week. We dropped him off last Sunday and had no contact with him until Friday night when we attended the graduation ceremony.

And my boy made his mama proud.

Out of 55 cadets, Sergei was one of nine chosen as an outstanding camp cadet, and he's got the plaque to prove it! And after the ceremony, all the counselors and police volunteers just couldn't say enough about how well Sergei did and how much everyone liked him!

You just all need to run with me here a minute, k? Sergei has come a LONG way in the last year since he's come home. We had some really dark moments when we could not see the next step ahead. So this is a BIG deal for us! To God be the glory!

And I got tears in my eyes, when I heard Sergei had been chosen to help lower the flag at the end of the ceremony. A child, Ukrainian by birth, adopted into an American family, and now having the privilege of lowering his new home country's flag. That was monumental to me.

Don't ever doubt God's ability to work in the seemingly impossible situations in your life.


  1. So proud of him Amber! It gave me chills reading this and knowing God was working through all of this in the "background." Love, love, love this post!!!

  2. God's amazing grace! Congratulations to your precious boy!

  3. Oh Amber. I remember finding your blog just when you guys came home from Ukraine and your struggles. God is good. This is such a great testimony. Congrats to Sergei! So awesome.


  4. What a beautiful testimony of the wonderful work God can do!!! Just look at how tall and proud that boy is standing! I remember the pictures you posted of Sergei in the orphanage before you brought him home, his very demeanor has changed SO much, you can just see it in how he carries himself!


  5. You should be very proud! this is awesome. My son is adopted but from the US. He has many problems that we we are working through. He has been with us 6 years with much progress but still so far to go. This gives me hope that our boy will do well, by the Grace of God!

  6. That is so wonderful! Go ahead and brag all you want. I know you guys must be so proud of him!

  7. Very inspiring! Glad you got to brag on him a little. I bet he felt like a million bucks! We think so fondly of him too and all of your family. Such a courageous step on his part and your family's. Only God could do such amazing things and bring you all out victorious...through Him. Congratulations Sergei! So proud of you! We got teary eyed too :)

  8. I got the goose bumps reading this post. You have every reason to be proud and to boast. God is great, and Sergei is a testament to that! Congratulations to you all!

  9. I teared up a little reading this. I haven't had time to read your blog much lately and had been wondering how Sergei is doing... Please tell him congrats from me and that I miss him! Praying for your family.


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