
Friday, July 8, 2011

Weekend Book Review - Lilies in Moonlight

In the book, Lilies in Moonlight: A Novel, the main character, Lilly, is a modern girl, a flapper, with an independent streak and a hunger for fun. A girl who ran away from her mama in the search for freedom to live life the way she wanted. Cullen is a war-scarred man who ran from his dreams and is now facing the consequences of running. Their lives collide in a most unusual way and, in the end, the collision ends in the two of them healing from their pasts together and eventually falling in love.

This made a great, easy-reading, enjoyable book for me last week while vacationing on the beach. The chapters were not incredibly long which made it easy to set down and pick up again when time permitted.

Although a romance novel, it is not raunchy by any means of the word. It is written as a Christian, historical, fiction romance. The author does a wonderful job of both exposing the common, undeniable temptations that we as humans face as well as packing it solid with much moral conviction on the characters' parts.

Good book. Great, easy summer read. Would recommend to those readers who enjoy historical, Christian romance novels.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

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