
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

This Morning...

It's 7:45 am and already my dehydrator is full and humming busily away, drying the herbs picked fresh from my garden this morning. I'm sitting here with a warm cup of creamy coffee writing to you, dear friends.

I started reading The Practice of the Presence of God (Paraclete Essentials) while on vacation last week. It is a lovely little book. A much-needed reminder that we need to allow God's presence into all the moments of our day. When our mind races and we rush, rush, rush, we shut God out of our lives mentally. When we slow (even in the midst of physical busyness) and meditate moment by moment on our Lord and His goodness, we permit the Holy Spirit to work in and through us. And we can feel Him.

Such a simple concept, really. Almost so simple that it's a bit complicated to figure out how to do (since so often the simple things are quite able to confound us, don't you think?) So how does one really permit God into their moment-by-moment living and breathing? It's by emptying the mind of all that does not glorify God and refocusing it on Him and His blessings. And, according to Brother Lawrence, it takes practice. It's another one of those sanctifying processes of the Christ-follower's life.

So, I simply encourage you to invite Him in today. Invite Him in by meditating on His goodness, on His blessings, on His creation. See Him in the mundane tasks of the day, the dishes, the laundry, the crumb-caked floors, because He'll come if we let Him in. Go about your tasks today, doing them as a service to God.

Blessings to you on this beautiful, God-created Wednesday!


  1. Hi Amber, so nice to meet you! Love your blog and I am now a follower. Have a blessed day!

  2. Hi Amber! I just want to let you know that I have been following your blog for guite some time now. Your words are so inspiring to me as I have told you before. I can relate so much to what you say. I am growing, and striving to be the women that God created me to be. (some days are a struggle) Blessings to you and your family!
    Love in Christ, Audra Hamil

  3. "Empty our mind of all that doesn't glorify God." So true. I've tried to make Philippians 4:8 a part of my daily life.



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