
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Making A Home's Summer Kickoff Giveaway!


I know I said that I was going to post this either tomorrow or Monday, but I just couldn't contain my excitement any longer. So without further ado...

We're heading into my absolute most favorite time of the year - summer. Actually, I like any season that's warm so I suppose that my favorite is also the second half of spring and the first half of fall. :)

But anyway, to celebrate, I found some summery goodies to give away to one of my wonderful readers. I love you guys (even though I don't even know most of you personally) and I so appreciate the time you take out of your busy days to come visit my little space here. You really don't even have any idea how much I appreciate that! It makes me feel so blessed!

So to show my appreciation, here is what I want to bless one of you with (you know, I'd like to bless you all with something, but that's not quite in the budget!)...

Look up above at that adorable, distressed, baby-blue wooden box! It has little handles and four little cubbies in it to store things. I just "fell in love" when I saw this little wooden box! So cheery and summery!

This is a small teacup print. Lily really liked this. I mean big time liked this. I mean "I never would have thought" liked this. (I may need to go get her one now!) This would look cute in the kitchen in a small place on the wall or tucked onto a shelf...

Are these not some of the cutest magnets ever?

Oh, and check out these adorable clothespins! I can't hang my clothes out to dry (sob, sob) due to Brad and I having severe environmental allergies, but these make me wish I could even more! When my mom saw these tonight, she said that she would use them to clip papers together. I guess that you could even glue a little magnet to the back and stick some on your fridge to hold your kiddos works of art. Regardless of how you use them, they'll look pretty doing their job!

Some brightly packaged handsoap and cute little birdhouse note cards (you all know how much I value handwritten letters so I just had to stick some of those in there!)

And I'm keeping this simple. If you would like a chance to win these summer goodies, all you have to do is leave me a comment. And for a bonus entry, leave me an additional comment to let me know of any subject/topic matter you would like for me to write about on here. I'm always very curious about what my reader's like to read about!

So, one entry for a simple "hello" comment and one entry for an additional comment with a post idea!

I'll randomly choose the winner next Tuesday, June 7th!

Be blessed!


  1. And I've already read it! :) Love your updates... I'll think about what I want to read about - I have a few ideas.

  2. hi Amber! oooohhh, this IS a fun give-away ☺. I understand the excited part...I love to give and get gifts! H's b'day is not until the end of the month and I have her presents wrapped and just want to give them to her.

  3. adorable!

    ykatrina at hotmail dot com

  4. i forgot to give a suggestion to write about...
    what about a week of (easy) summer recipe ideas? i'm always getting stuck and it is fun to hear what other mom's do ☺.

  5. Lovely giveaway Amber! So thoughtful.

  6. Topic ideas:

    Summer Salad Recipes, cool drink recipes and pretty much anything God leads you to! I always seem to need to read what you write =) I love that about God!

  7. Shabby chic, be still my heart!
    Post ideas: Ukraine adoption in a Christian home- the trials tribulations and excitement and how you deal with them.
    Summer drink recipes
    More money saving shopping tips
    House tour
    Garden tour
    Summer fun ideas

  8. Hi Amber! What a fun give away - I love the blue basket.

  9. I'd love a post with some recipes/ideas of how you use your homegrown herbs.

    Frugal but fun entertaining ideas are always helpful to me too!

  10. Love your blog, love you, love this giveaway!!

  11. Hey Am. I'd love for you to post some time saving examples for busy Moms such as recipes, cleaning ideas, and easy creative crafts to do with kids. You always give such encouraging words and as busy Mothers (as much of us are) they are really appreciated!

  12. Hi Amber...always a joy to read your blog! :)

  13. I like photography so just looking at your pictures is what I like to see/read! ;)

  14. I really enjoyed the marriage/husband posts so keep them coming!

  15. This is my "Hello" post.
    I am enjoying reading your blog. I have followed you for quite a while now.
    Prayers to you and your family.

  16. I don't know much about herbs and how to cook with them. I'd like to know more about it.

  17. This is a lovely set! You have such good taste!

    Miriam Brown

  18. I'd love to hear how you organize your time so well - it seems like you find the time to be a wonderful wife and mother, get all kinds of neat things done, and you still have the mental energy to sit down and write very fluently about all kinds of things - my brain seems to go flooey by the time I'm done with all the Mommy / housewife duties! What time of day do you write? How do you find time to take pictures of everything as well as doing them? I guess being pregnant and still having a toddler might put me in a slightly different category... You certainly are an inspiration to me, though! Someday...!

    Miriam Brown

  19. Hi Amber! What a fun giveaway....very cute stuff. :)

  20. Oh Amber,
    I love this giveaway! My kitchen is decorated in birdhouses.

  21. Post ideas -
    Quick and Easy Summer recipes and
    Fundraiser ideas for adoption

  22. topic ideas

    modesty in young girls

    show affection to your husband infront of your kids

    being a Proverbs 31 kinda gal


    adoption ( teaching a child who come from little to no christian environment, to being completely involved in one)

    canning recipes

    father/daughter date night

    mother/son date nighs

  23. Adorable! Enter me in the giveaway!

  24. And for my bonus entry: I'd love for you to blog about Sergei's transition into a conservative Christian family. We just adopted a 7 year old girl, and I'm curious about how a slightly older child switches over to such a different mentality and way of life.

  25. Hi! LOVE the giveaway and I love your blog! :)

  26. I really liked Penny's ideas for future posts...really, anything God is leading your heart to posting...those posts are ALWAYS winners!

  27. I just found your blog and what a treat! You are having a giveaway! And what beautiful items you are giving out...Thank-you for the chance! I am going to be your newest follower! :o)

  28. Oh my goodness...Amber...I didn't realize this was your blog! Hello! I know you through this bloggy-world...I didn't realize this was you! Have you changed it? :)

    I would love to see posts on more book reviews! I always love a good review from someone I can trust! :)

  29. Lovely giveaway; I'm visiting via I can't remember...sigh...but glad to be here.

  30. Blog idea - do you put up your food? Can, dry, freeze...? I'd like to see some of your favorite recipes. I've been putting food by for more than four decades and absolutely love having a pantry full of nourishing, good, clean food!

  31. please forgive one more note...are you aware that eating honey hived close to home can lesson allergies? Some say five miles or less; perhaps this would help your men folk.

  32. How fun is this giveaway?! I just stumbled on your blog tonight as I was going through the Wednesday links at Raising Homemakers and I'm so glad I did!

    Not only for the giveaway, but because your blog is so adorable and wonderful! I'm a new fan!

    I can't wait to peruse your blog some more and see what you have here!


  33. I love, love, love this blog!! It has blessed me in so many ways. Thank you sharing your heart with us. You have been a source of Godly encouragement in my life!


  34. These are so adorable. I so enjoy your blog!


  35. I was "blog surffing" and found this. Cute giveaway!

  36. Blog posts I would enjoy reading:
    Frugal Family activities
    Mother/Son date ideas
    Father/Daughter date ideas

    I love to read blogs that give me ideas of my own.

  37. Hi Amber, found your card you sent me and have thought of you much as Tonya and Josh have been going through the adoption process. Please pray for them if you think. Papers, papers, papers. Thank you sweet friend,

    Oh I love a party!!!!!!!! I love your pretty! I think the blue box looks adorable also and all the others are pretty also. You are so sweet to have this giveaway.

    Come over to my blog and sign up for my give away if you like.

    Hugs, Linda

  38. You're such a great baker/cook and come up with such great ideas for parties. I'd like to know some of your recipes & it would also be interesting to hear about the way your lives have changed after adoption.


Thanks for taking the time to comment!