
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Because Sometimes We Need Reminded (And a Dayspring Giveaway!)

One thing I'm learning in my life, is that sometimes God calls us to do the seemingly impossible.

Like travel across the Atlantic for five weeks to Ukraine, leaving my children behind to gather up a new one. In my mind that was impossible.

Or coming up with $28,000.00 in a short six-month period to fund our adoption. We didn't have that money saved up or readily available in a bank account. All of those many dollars, poured right from the hands of God. He provided. He always provides.

Or raise an adopted teenage son at the young age of 31.

What is God calling you to do today that seems impossible? Adoption? Quitting your job to stay home with your children? Home educate? Sail the sea to spread the Gospel?

Step forward in faith. We can, you know. If God is tugging at your heart, you must. Step forward, one step at a time, even though the path may be dark to your simple vision. God has supernatural vision; there's never a dark or unseen moment to Him.

Trust Him to guide you.

God uses the common folk to do the impossible things in this world. The chipped and cracked jars of clay to hold the weight of the water of life.

And then the world will know that it was really Him. And we will know that it was really Him working, because we know that we alone are not able to accomplish such seemingly impossible things.

And so this little reminder sets above us. In and out of the room I walk, and the eye catches a glimpse of this reminder:

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.

You can purchase your own reminder as well as other great ones too at Shop Christian gifts, cards, decor, and more!

And as a little gift for you, Dayspring was very generous to offer me one $20 coupon to their online store to offer as a giveaway to one of my readers. This offer does not apply to shipping charges; you will be responsible for those.

Here's how to enter:

1. Leave a comment on this post. Anything will do.

2. If you are a follower or become a follower, leave another comment letting me know.

3. Become a fan of Making A Home on facebook, and leave me another comment letting me know that you did. And if you already are a fan let me know.

Dayspring has wonderful Christian products that can serve as great reminders to us and our households. If we're going to hang art on our walls, wouldn't it be a great idea to hang art that glorifies God and reminds us of His faithfulness?

The giveaway will run through this Sunday, May 15th at midnight. I will then randomly choose and announce a winner Monday morning.

Have a blessed day!

*I received this product for free from Daypsring in exchange for my review.*


  1. I needed reminded of this scripture today. Thanks for being obedient to God!

    I do follow you on Facebook and on here! I would love to be entered in this giveaway!

  2. I think I've followed all the steps and would love entered!! Never knew about this site - I see some great gifts, thanks for sharing!!

  3. Oh Amber,

    I so needed to be reminded of this today. Not sure if you have read my blog in the past. My husband and I travelled to Ukraine last Fall and came home heartbroken without a child. We are once again in the paperchase to go back but with all the money we spent before it does seem impossible to accomplish. So glad we know the one who knows the possible when I see the impossible.


  4. I love their wall decor.

    hewella1 at gmail dot com

  5. I just found your blog. I am now following.

    I am in a very trying time in my life right now. I am trying to keep my faith. Thanks for the reminder.

    God Bless.

  6. I love DaySpring and hope I win. :)

  7. I am now a follower of your blog. :)

  8. I am now a fan of Making A Home on Facebook.

  9. What a wonderful reminder! I'm not faced with a HUGE thing like you but some days just the every day stuff is enough to make me give up. Obviously I need to get my eyes back on the Lord.

  10. Amber, love this!
    this is Annette...i just realized i was signed in under Rodney and too much effort to log out... :)

  11. Amber...your blog is always so inspiring! :)

  12. I am a follower on Facebook too. ;)

  13. And I just became a follower of your blog...I thought I already was! I've been reading for a long time now. :)

  14. SUPER! Its so true- through Him, all things are possible!

  15. All of their products are so great. It's hard to pick a favorite!

  16. God is so awesome, even when we are in the middle of a storm God knows the end results and he is just preparing us for something yet to come. As we are going through the storm God give us the strength to make it to the rainbow


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