
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Cleaning, Herbs, and Homesteading - A Very Random Post

These two boys of mine are either the best of friends or each other's worst enemy. And as of late, it seems that they are fighting more than they are getting along. This has been very frustrating to Brad and I. So when I looked into the living room yesterday and saw the two of them cuddled up on the recliner together, I just had to snap a picture.

Some other news in our household...

We received some of Lily's curriculum for school next year. She was so excited that we started some of it the day we received it! This is exciting for me because Lily has fought me tooth-and-nail all this past school year. She rather play with her dolls.

We've also been spring cleaning for the past few months. I have miraculously gotten almost the entire house done with the exception of the living room, entryway, and master bathroom. It feels good to give the house a good, deep-cleaning!

And I'm really looking forward to getting the outdoors work started - the planting, the weeding, the gardening, etc. I went out a few weekends ago and cleaned out my herb garden. I can't wait until my plants start growing again; it's so nice to have fresh herbs all summer long!

I just snapped these pictures of my herb bed this morning. As you can see, the chives are well up and the lavender and French tarragon stay there all winter. I also have two different parsley's planted in there as well as thyme and also dill which, although an annual, is supposedly a good re-seeder so I'm hoping it comes up again.

I also plant a couple of sweet basil plants and a lemon verbena which smells SOOOO good. That little flower pot, has mint in it. Mint spreads prolifically and will totally take over your beds if you don't contain it somehow.

I'm also doing some research on some other homesteading topics, including raising chickens, more in-depth long-term food storage options, and emergency preparedness. I have such a desire for us to establish our own little homestead here. We certainly have enough land to do such a thing, it's just a matter of money and time and getting it started.

I've read that it's best to pick one thing and work on that, and then move on to another thing. Take things slow and one at a time, so as not to overwhelm oneself. I found this great blog, Homestead Revival, which has been really inspiring to me!

Well, I must go get our school day started!

Have a blessed day!


  1. I would say your boys are typical brothers!

    I have been thinking about getting chickens. I am having trouble making the commitment. Thanks for the link.

  2. So you got me looking at the Homestead Revival blog, and now here I am making my own laundry detergent & dishwasher soap. Loving that blog, thanks for sharing.

    Makes me sort of wish we weren't in the city, even though we're <10 minutes from my husband's job which is wonderful and means more family time - I'd just love to have the land & legal right to keep chickens! Homesteading is one of my new interests, thanks to you.

    Here's my post on making my own detergents:

    PS- HAPPY EASTER! Christ is risen!


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